Episode #1137 13.01.13 - Seiji Chihara "Karuta" Competition

New ep, enjoy!



Thank you!
Do we know where Seiji’s shop is? Or are they just going to show people’s reactions in next episode

So why do they still call him Yamasaki in this episode? They were clearly adressing his name change in the beginning yet both the scoreboard and the guys / announcer still go by Yamasaki. Sadly my comprehension skills are still lacking so I’m a bit confused now :(. Anyone who can shed some light on the whole situation perhaps?

[b:12xb955f][u:12xb955f]Other link[/u:12xb955f][/b:12xb955f]

Torrent : http://www.d-addicts.com/forum/viewtopic_127071.htm

Youku : http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTAxODA0NjMy.html


[quote="hand":3f631px5]So why do they still call him Yamasaki in this episode? They were clearly adressing his name change in the beginning yet both the scoreboard and the guys / announcer still go by Yamasaki. Sadly my comprehension skills are still lacking so I’m a bit confused now :(. Anyone who can shed some light on the whole situation perhaps?[/quote:3f631px5]
The change is due to the fact that Yamasaki was accepted as a [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rakugo:3f631px5]rakugo[/url:3f631px5] performer. Each performer adopts the same "surname" to show which group they belong to, even though is no blood relation. Since Yamasaki already has 20(?) years of TV career using his real name, it’s hard for people to address him as his rakugo name all of a sudden.

By the way, name changes are common in traditional entertainment in Japan such as kabuki and sumo and people are used to it. So his name will stick sooner or later.

Since they’ve always been pretty informal with his name (Yama-chan etc.) it’ll be interesting to see if they still use nicknames from time to time. Yamasaki was on another show (January 11th) which his Rakugo master, Happo Tsukitei, was also a guest on and they talked about the name change there too (don’t know Japanese myself though to understand any more than that).


In the beginning I’m guessing Matsumoto said something about it being a bother with some insult thrown in. Maybe, "why should I do that for him" or something like that. Which is along the lines of what I figured would happen… acknowledging the change and using Tsukitei in the name overlay, but calling him Yamazaki anyway, since they’re all used to it. Just used as a joke here.

[hide:nxjlo9j7]For the record, in #1138 he's Tsukitei in the overlay, but called Yamazaki during the show.[/hide:nxjlo9j7]

Speaking of rakugo…

Nah, Yamasaki said that they can call him whatever they want. He doesn’t mind.

[hide:1jxwgd4o]千原せいじ完全プロデュース!! カルタ争奪戦~!!


[attachment=0:1jxwgd4o]Gaki_130113_#1137_Chihara Seiji's KARUTA Competition.zip[/attachment:1jxwgd4o][/hide:1jxwgd4o]

Thank you very much ErnieYoung san, greatly appreciated. :bow: :bow: :bow: