Hoshan's Funny Tampon Story

Here’s a subtitled clip from one of Ma-chan’s show. Enjoy.


Vid was taken off Youtube, here it is in MU.


Awesome XDDD how could something so funny be hidden from us for so long:p thanks

I really wish I could find more subtitled scenes from that show, seems great.

[quote="SpikeBender":33jutcr6]I really wish I could find more subtitled scenes from that show, seems great.[/quote:33jutcr6]

Indeed. I would love to know who subtitled these kind of little skits. You see many of them on youtube, but in the end you never know who really made them ;(

its a dynamite X_x lolz!,
props to the subber who worked on that 1 :rofl:

imagined the kid who threw the lit tampon and the teacher(female makes it even more funnier) asked him…
"what the hell you doing"…funny as hell if i would witness the scene…LOL

Thank You!!! I’ve been looking for this for a long time. Could you upload the rest?

Im sorry Amanda, I don’t have the rest. This vid was just something I found during a search. If you or anyone else finds others, please upload the clip.

– 11.04.2011, 20:54 –

Vid back up, now on MU.

its been taken off YT… :<

Re-up please.

I had a hard time trying to remember where I’d seen this, until I gave up and just searched it.

[b:2c4yveov]Download from color=#d11e00:2c4yveov[/color:2c4yveov] :[/b:2c4yveov]

Hoshan’s Tampon Story.mp4 (12.7 MB)

https://mega.co.nz/#!vdIWhaYa!Q2ikDQlz5 ... A2vUAlINzs