Shadi needs your support

okey guys, this is the first time I ask for a favor, I’m a 3D\2D designer hoping of a finding a job, instead of surfing around, I decided to create a FB page as portfolio showing my work, in hoping of getting projects from visitors, if you would be so kind to like my page and share it, I would really be appreciated and it’ll make it more public and make my chances on finding a job bigger.

here’s the link to my page

and here’s "some" of my work




~best regards

Done! Good luck with your job searching; your renderings look great!

Done! Least I could do after all you’ve done for us. :bow:

sweet. liked it as a general user but could also put you on my own art page’s featured-likes list, if you’d do the same :³

I only have a shabby 50+ likes right now but just really suck at selling my shit properly and never advertise.(ironically i have the page linked in the signature…)
I just post my stuff there because I create frequently and it’s easy to keep track. I’ve done contract animation work for a german tv station recently, but they found me on vimeo.
more plattforms = higher chances. there are many free art portals out there. I would also recommend a website with your own domainname with a clean portfolio in addition to the facebook page.
I got one commission through facebook which I didn’t really end up doing.

But anyway, maybe we could benefit from each other. I use Flash most of the time, for animations and vector art, but I’m curious about 3D for the sake of going with the time
or maybe there could be some way to merge those professions

not even looking for likes here, just want to create and collaborate.

and trying to help out of course ;D

hmmmmm, I don’t know know how can we merge Flash with 3D :P, but your Idea about making my own website is a really good Idea