Hi from Finland!

Hi everyone!

I thought I would finally introduce myself, even though this is kinda scary… :D I am a geeky girl from Finland and I’ve been watching gaki no tsukai for couple years now. I found the forum and noticed how awesome place it is, so I joined. Dunno what to say, feel free to ask questions!

[quote="Nanace":34vams34]I am a geeky girl from Finland[/quote:34vams34]

Hellooooo :)

Welcome aboard.

What do you think about Kummelit?

Ah! Kummeli is an awesome show. I’ve been watching it since I was like 4 or something :D

Welcome to the forum!

Welcome on board.

[quote="Nanace":22o4umjd]Hi everyone!

I thought I would finally introduce myself, [b:22o4umjd]even though this is kinda scary[/b:22o4umjd]… :D I am a geeky girl from Finland and I’ve been watching gaki no tsukai for couple years now. I found the forum and noticed how awesome place it is, so I joined. Dunno what to say, free feel to ask questions![/quote:22o4umjd]

scary is a word that does not exist in GNT forum, welcome aboard miss

Welcome to the forum Nanace!

[quote="Kanzaki":193nyxmq][quote="Nanace":193nyxmq]I am a geeky girl from Finland[/quote:193nyxmq]

Hellooooo :)[/quote:193nyxmq]

Uh-Oh… A wild Kanzaki has appeared!

You guys sure know how to make someone feel welcome! Thank you and nice to meet you all. :)

Heij! Mieki olen suomalainen gakifani ja ollaan näköjään saman ikäsiä kanssa :D ! Onnitteluni tähän riemukkaaseen foorumiin liittymisen johdosta!

Hei! Jes! Aina hyvä tietää etten ole ainoa :D Jotenkin tuntuu, että aina jos puhun Gakista jollekin niin se on täysin uusi asia (tosin ne kaikki on kyllä tykännyt pienen esittelyn jälkeen). Kiitoskiitos ja hauska tutustua :)