High School German Subtitle

I know it’s not usual to post other than english subs here, but I think the work of this subber is really good.

Nice-looking typesetting, timing and position of the subs.

As far as I can say, it’s not a translation from already existing english subs. So, german speaking, take a look.

Part 1:


Looks good. Funny enough, it takes a while for me to get used to German subs, but I really have to give credit to the subber. :clap:
Nice work!

Is it just me or is the English translation really a bit more funny?
Just saying, because English sounds more fluent to me…
:blink: Huh…

they are quite good. i would have used at some parts other words etc. but they are fine.

german is kinda hard to use for subs. usually it turns always long out and u cant read that fast enough before the next line comes.

while english u can short the lines with easy words. and still be able to fully understand it.

I’m pretty sure these are sutekidayo’s subs?

Hmm, yes, you are right, I checked it now. It seems to be translated from sutekidayo’s subs. The sentences, phrases, are translated nearly 1 to 1. It just differs in coloring and position.

down due to copyright infringement

hey, also ich seh nichts mehr, die video lassen sich nicht mehr öffnen :( hast du sie vllt noch wo anders hochgeladen?

Nein, die waren nicht von mir, hatte die damals zufällig gefunden - hab keine Sicherung davon.